We’re paperless!

We’re saving spines and trees at Westside Chiropractic and Sports Medicine by using up-to-date technology to reduce our need for paper. (No more stacks of paperwork each visit!) Dr. Bowman personally reviews each patient’s health history and current issues with you to ensure accurate findings and understanding of your goals. Our initial visit generally takes 45 minutes to an hour to complete depending on a patient’s history and examination requirements.

During your first appointment you can expect:

– A brief discussion about chiropractic and the philosophy that drives our treatment methods
– Case history of the current complaint, past medical history, and family history
– Physical exam tailored specifically to your complaints
– If deemed necessary, x-rays may also be performed by Dr. Bowman prior to any adjustments
– Chiropractic adjustment(s) suited for your specific needs, comfort level, and medical history
– Home care recommendations to improve short-term comfort as well as maintaining long-term results

Ready to get started?

Need more info?

Complete our Contact Us or call the office for a free consultation with Dr. Bowman or to schedule your first appointment. Like to see current patient testimonials, click here.